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Fact Sheets

about this project

Performances by wild and dangerous animals create a false narrative that these species are readily available in the wild and willingly comply with, or naturally exhibit, these performances. These performances require years of physically domineering punishment and subjection to unethical abuses. Most reputable acts, like Barnum and Bailey, have already transitioned away from non-consenting animal-based performances.

Timeline for the Circus Campaign

Coming Soon

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Take Action Now to Support ESB 5065

Especially if you are a Washington resident, please contact your legislators to support 

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    Add your name to endorse the bill where allowed by law.

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    Interested in spreading the octopus bill to other jurisdictions? You could be involved in our ongoing campaigns. We are actively pursuing legislative action in the following localities: Maine, New York, Massachussettes, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Texas, Alaska, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and the United Kingdom.

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Circus Research

  • In 2007, the Washington State Legislature already voted to pass Senator Lovick’s Dangerous Wild Animal Act, prohibiting the covered species from being owned as pets in Washington. 
  • All species covered by this bill are threatened or endangered.
  • Both circuses that travel through Washington have recorded over 40 violations each from the USDA throughout the last several decades, showcasing incapability of reform. 
  • Reputable acts like Barnum and Bailey have already transitioned to fully human-based, consenting performances.
  • This bill will unify protections already established in Spokane, Darrington, Snohomish, Port Townsend, and Redmond, extending them statewide.
  • Over 50 countries and 11 states have already taken similar action.

Most importantly, Elephants like Viola and Isa, who are brought through Washington every year, have been performing in captivity for over 50 years - that's longer than half of the members of the committee have even been alive. Viola is already 59, far beyond the average age of a captive elephant. If we don’t pass this bill she will be performing here until the day she dies.

Photos By Wes Burdett

Fact Sheets by State

Does Your Organization Need a Fact Sheet or Research Report? Submit an Inquiry Below.



An estimated 40 million animals are commercially farmed for their fur worldwide every year.  94% are produced overseas.

Because of the single use nature, carnivorous diet, and type of feed used, fur farming poses a unique risk to ecosystems.


Helping the fashion industry (farmers, designers, retailers) transition from fur to environmentally-friendly, cruelty-free alternatives. We advocate for bills to prohibit the sale and production of fur including a government assisted relief program for local farmers to transition to more sustainable and productive crops.


To reduce demand for non-essential animal fur products and therefore transition factory farms to non-animal specialty crops. To influence public attitudes around wearing fur and other animal based textiles and to support the development of plant-based alternatives.


Working directly with lawmakers in Washington, Massachusetts and direct corporate outreach to designers using fur in their products, like Louis Vuitton.


Introduced 5 bills to ban the production or sale of fur in Washington state in 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 and supported bills to ban do the same in Oregon, Hawaii and Rhode Island. We collaborated on campaigns that ended the sale of fur at: Max Mara, Macy's, Nordstrom, Saks 5th Avenue, Canada Goose, Moncler, Mario's, and Paul Stuart. Since the beginning of our campaign there has been a 40% reduction in fur factory farms across Washington state, and a 54% reduction country-wide.

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