You can make an impact for animals right now by completing the easy actions below.
Endorse our bills so your name or organization can be registered in favor, where permitted.
Send an email to Wegman's Grocer and ask them to stop selling foie gras.
Sign our petition to ban performances by exotic animals such as elephants, tigers, lions, bears, and primates in traveling acts in Washington State.
Sign our petition to end the sale of fur in Washiington State.
Send an e-mail to the PETCO CEO urging them to stop all sales of animals as pets and request they establish partnerships with sanctuaries and shelters to promote adoptions only.
Please sign our petition to ban the sale of small mammals and birds at pet stores in Massachussetts. Pet suppliers should work exclusively with shelters to support adoption, not breeding or importing of animals.
Ask the NJ Chair of the Dept. of Fish and Wildlife to push for revocation of permits at Seaquest in Woodbridge Town Center New Jersey.
Update: Success! Permits were revoked!
We need volunteers like you. We are a registered charitable 501(c)(3) organization and offer a wealth of community service fulfillment opportunities.
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